The first image was obtained through Google Maps and shows the location of 33rd Lane in regards to the coastline. 33rd Lane is the small cul-de-sac that diverts from Bagatelle Road. I have inserted a red rectangle which shows the position of Number 11, the Bawa Residence. The second image was obtained from Google Earth which gives a greater and more realistic understanding of the Bawa Houses' context and surroundings. These days it is surrounded by a sea of terraces and townhouses, where the ocean is not visible as it was when it was first erected.
Sri Lanka lies near the equator and therefore the position of the sun remains virtually the same year-round. As the house is situated on the coastline, it will be subjected to off-shore breezes coming from the west. The design of the house channels this air flow through its long narrow design consisting of a myriad of delightful passageways. The house design is exposed to the climate and responses to the elements and site with a modern architectural vocabulary.
Off-shore Breeze from the West:


As well as being surrounded by houses, the Bawa Residence is also completely enclosed by vegetation. From any point in the house, one would have a sense of being in touch with the light and greenery contained in these spaces. This also offers privacy and acts as a barrier to the elements and noise, as well as creating a sacred places within each quaint courtyard.
Air flow:

The house is subjected to adequate air flow through the house due to the "open" design and various vernacular elements present in the design, for example the openings below the roof as shown in the image below. The air is channeled down the maze of hallways into each room and circulates the air around the entire house. These act as a means of natural ventilation for a sustainable design.

Natural Light:

Due to the various openings in the roof, walls and passageways,
Public + Private Spaces:
Lines of Sight:

"Each space would contain within it the anticipation of other spaces" (Robson, D. 2002). Within the house there are various lines of sight due to its incorporation of vistas and long hallways. These long successions of open spaces create axis within the house.
Axis present within the House:

The axis within the house create pathways and act as a means of direction for people circulating the spaces. They also provide destinations and focal points foor people discovering the maze of rooms.As well as leading the people around the main areas of the house, these axis also show the direction of air channeling through the house.
Circulation Paths:
33rd Lane is ‘an introspective labyrinth of rooms and garden courts that together create the illusion of endless space on what is, in reality, a tiny suburban plot’(Robson, D. 2002). The axis running through the house act as a dominant means of direction through the house, as do the lines of sight and the open spaces as we walk towards them.

Within the house, the private spaces are central to the plan, such as the bedrooms, however they still remain in contact with the outdoor courtyard spaces. The two kitchens and bathrooms are directly exposed to the outdoor elements as are the living spaces. The more public living areas act as 'transitional' spaces from the private spaces to the open courtyards, harnessing the elements and embracing them in the design.
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